
Microsoft Teams Break Rooms
After organizations around the world responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual tools are more common than ever. Remote collaboration is becoming the preferred method of communication, and remote work is likely here to stay.
Cisco Meraki
Small to Medium Businesses (SMBs) are leveraging the cloud more than ever to better suit the needs of their hybrid or fully remote workforces.
MSP Cost
Regional banks and other financial institutions rely heavily on the use of technology to conduct their day-to-day operations. Modern-day consumers want modern-day banking solutions, and this need to conform to consumer needs has shifted the internal IT infrastructure..
SOC 2 Certification
Financial institutions have complex requirements when it comes to compliance and security. This complexity is the reason many financial institutions work with managed service providers (MSPs). Most MSPs offer a high level of expertise and focus, but not all of them..
SOC 2 Vendor Management
As technological advances break their way into financial institutions, a need for enhanced security protocols has surfaced. Businesses and clients alike need a way to verify that the information they collect and provide is being stored and accessed securely to prevent..
Home Office Security
We are past the point of whether or not working remotely, or from home, is something we are unsure of. For some of us, it is likely our permanent setup. For others, it is a long situation that we need to move forward with in confidence. These recommendations should be..
3 Vulnerabilities Associated With Remote Access
Over the last several years, the attack surface of today’s business networks has widened dramatically. The reasons? A rush of mobile devices flooded business networks, a growing population of increasingly ambitious and sophisticated hackers, and, particular to our..
Top 5 Security Features of Cisco AnyConnect
As more companies settle into remote work for the long haul, either by allowing employees to work from home indefinitely or by deploying a flexible, part-time remote model, it’s important to not get lax on security. Remote workers need tools to stay secure wherever..
There are gaps in cybersecurity and the level of risk awareness as most of us work from home right now. And if heading back to an office environment happens for some, it isn’t going to be the majority of workers, at least anytime soon. With reports of productivity..