
Thanks to the evolution of smart mobile devices, cloud computing, and faster home internet connections, remote work increased by 400 percent in the 2010’s. In the face of COVID-19 related shutdowns, remote work trends are accelerating. For many businesses, this can be..
As businesses across the US prepare to return to work after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, industry experts are forecasting a sea change in the way we will work moving forward. Specifically, many more of us will become permanent remote workers.
New Office Location IT
The Importance of Offering Smart Technology Infrastructure to Prospective Tenants As they age into C-Level positions and ownership, Millennials and Gen Zers are shaping the way we all do business. Tech writer Larry Alton put it well when he wrote that these two..
The COVID-19 outbreak may result in many workers in quarantine for up to two weeks. The Wall Street Journal reported this week on a Texas couple who continued to work from home after one of them returned from a trip to China. Jing and Warren Johnson self-quarantined..
Moving is said to be among the most stressful human experiences. Relocating a business, however, is far more complicated, given a higher degree of moving parts, more people involved and the interoperability of a slew of technology from different platforms and solutions.