Cybersecurity Awareness - 15 Tips to Protect Your Organization

by John Allegro | December 20, 2022

Cybersecurity awareness is a must. Digitally, there is no such thing as being secure enough. Always be on guard. Cybercriminals are constantly inventing new ways to attack your digital world. 

The best cybersecurity plans are in force 24/7, 365 days a year.  There’s never too much cybersecurity preparedness!  

Here are 15 cybersecurity awareness tips to protect your organization from cyber attacks.

  1. Keep Your Software Updated

    Keep your operating system, security software, and web browser updated to minimize threats to your network. Software updates typically include new features, fixes for known bugs, and security upgrades. The latest version of software helps protect you from security vulnerabilities.
  1. Keep Your Hardware Updated

    Computer hardware that is not up-to-date may not support software upgrades for enhanced security features. Typically older hardware is also slower, and the result is a slower response when a cyber attack occurs. Updated computer hardware is necessary to secure your organization.

  2. Create Strong Unique Passwords

    Strong passwords incorporate the longest password permissible by each account and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.  Create complex and unique passwords for all accounts. Never use passwords based on personal information, reuse passwords, or share your password.

  3. Consider a Password Manager

    With so many different passwords, it can be tempting to write them down. However, this makes them easily discovered. Password managers are a best practice to create and manage strong and unique passwords. You will only need to remember one master password to access the password manager, and it will safely store all of your unique passwords.

  4. Do Not Use Public WiFi

    A public network shares your information with everyone who is also connected to it. All information sent or received on a public network is vulnerable. Cybercriminals use public WiFi to try to break into your devices and infect them with malware. Protect yourself from this risk. If you need internet access, use your cellular data or a personal hotspot. 

  5. Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

    A VPN provides a secure and private network. It will encrypt your connection and protect your information. It even protects your information and activity from your internet service provider. Using a VPN when in public is the most secure option.

  6. Use Strong Authentication Tools

    Biometric authentication like fingerprints or facial IDs is an example of additional authentication. Always enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) when available and use security questions.

  7. Evaluate Links Before You Click

    Links are easily disguised and often lead to fake sites that are similar to the real ones. Always verify the URL before clicking on a link. You can view the target URL by hovering over the link. Do this before you click on it. You won’t regret it.

  8. Be Wary of Downloads

    Third-party downloads are some of the most popular tricks hackers use to gain access to your data. One safety measure for downloading safely is to choose the process of custom installation, make sure to read each page, and decline anything that is not specifically for the application you are downloading.  
  1. Use Advanced EDR Technology

    Total protection from malware is impossible if you are connected to the web. While cyber-aware humans are the best weapon to combat cybercriminals, advanced EDR technology must be used to significantly reduce your vulnerability to an attack. Endpoint detection and response (EDR) technology improves the security of your organization's computers and other network-connected endpoint systems.
  1. Use Encryption To Secure Your Data

    An encryption service will give you peace of mind if your personal or work devices are stolen or lost. The encryption won’t allow cyber criminals to read it without a specific encryption key. Please contact us if you need help setting up encryption for your devices.
  1. Use USB Drives Safely

    USB and portable hard drives are popular ways of storing and transporting data. However, the same things that make them convenient also introduce security risks. Take advantage of security features like adding encryption to your USB drives to protect your data. Disable the autorun feature. It can cause unwanted or harmful media to automatically open.  
  1. Back Up Data Often & Use Remote Security Features

    Remote lock and wipe options can protect personal and business data on your devices. Make sure to set up and enable this feature in case of an emergency. In addition, ensure you have a backup of your important data that you can access in the event your device becomes lost, stolen, or compromised.

  2. Use Caution With Email Attachments and Links

    Just because an email looks like it came from someone you know and trust doesn’t mean it is. Be wary of unsolicited attachments, even from people you know. If an email or attachment seems suspicious, don’t let your curiosity put your computer at risk.  
  1. Remember to Use the SLAM Method

    Evaluate digital messages using the SLAM Method (Sender, Links, Attachment, Message).
    Sender- make sure the sender’s address is accurate.
    Links- hover over all links to see where they might take you.
    Attachments- be cautious and don’t open unexpected attachments.
    Message- if a message feels too urgent, threatening, or suspicious contact IT.  

Cybersecurity-aware employees and up-to-date software and hardware work together to provide your best security. Make sure your employees are savvy when it comes to implementing the best practices in cybersecurity by introducing this Baseline Employee Cybersecurity Assessment

Why Partner With an MSSP

With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, it is more important than ever to ensure that your business is protected against these threats. One of the best ways to do this is by partnering with a managed security service provider (MSSP) that specializes in IT Security services to prevent, detect, and respond to any threats. 

There are several key benefits to using a managed security service provider:

  • Expertise: A team of cybersecurity experts who are trained to identify and mitigate potential threats to your business. They have the knowledge and experience to help you implement the best security measures for your specific needs.

  • Continuous monitoring: Continuous monitoring of your systems 24/7 to detect any potential threats in real time. This proactive approach helps prevent cyber attacks before they can do significant damage.

  • Cost-effective: Outsourcing your cybersecurity needs can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house team. MSSPs often offer flexible pricing plans and can scale their services to meet your specific needs.

  • Peace of mind: Partnering with an MSSP can give you peace of mind knowing that your business is in good hands. You can focus on running your business while they handle the complex task of keeping your systems and data secure.

Using an MSSP for cybersecurity is a smart business decision. It helps ensure that your business is protected against cyber threats, provides access to expert knowledge and experience, and is cost-effective. Don't take any chances with your business's security. 

BBH Solutions is a New York City-based managed security service provider that specializes in security and compliance support in the Tri-State area and beyond. Our SOC 2 attestation ensures clients that we are well-positioned to provide Security and Compliance Services.

Contact BBH Solutions to learn how we can defend your organization from cyber attackers, malware, and phishing.